One of a Kind Hand Dyed Wraps

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Oh Carmin -- How I love thee.

Carmin is one of those wraps that I've waited my whole wrapping life for. ;) A 50% linen fish. And MAN! does Carmin deliver!! Awesome support, fabulous width, fun little toddler enticing fishies -- it's just about got it all!! Well..... it's got everything going for it other than the color. Really Didy??? Pink/red fish. Ok. Ok. I get it. Lots of mamas emailed asking for red/white fish and *technically* that is exactly what Didy delivered..... but the mix of white cotton threads and red linen threads leaves a very pink overall look. Which.... I *guess* is cute??? But it's just not me. So, I decided to have a little playdate for Carmin with first some stripper and then a dip in some dye ala this funny little tropical fish. :)

Jet Black LSE

One of the hottest, rockin-est mamas on TBW asked me if I could dye this lovely wrap Jet Black -- Heck ya!!! This gorgeous Lavendar Silk Ellipsen went for a dip in Jet Black dye from Dharma, then in black acid dye just to get the silk threads even darker. The result is a super gorgeous, soft ultimate neutral. :) I can not WAIT to see her action shots!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rock out...

with my.... uh, um.... pfau out. ;)

So, not all my pfau, but I've had the pleasure to play with some pfauen the last couple days. What a gorgeous, fun wrap. :) Loving this 50% linen Garnet Pfau.

stripped pfau above original Garnet Pfau
the original red color is the same as a Red Vine

stack of birds (from top to bottom): stripped and dyed charcoal, stripped, and original

close up of stripped/charcoal pfau and stripped pfau

Stack from further away. You can see the stripped and dyed pfau kept some of the bronze color in the linen threads despite a long soak in charcoal. Adds cool dimension and funk. :)

Also interesting to note: Didy used red (presumably polyester) threads to sew the rails and hems. It did not strip.

Boy and girl pfauen. :) Totally reminds me of actual female and male peacocks. Love these wraps together!!!

Check out those linen threads! They keep awesome contrast when dyed. Still a tri-colored wrap. :) And as usual, the linen adds a bit of shine and shimmer from a distance. Love!

Up close and at an angle. Trying to capture how the wrap changes at different angles.

Pretty stack. :) Stripped and dyed blue/green, Stripped and dyed charcoal, Original

Another stack shot. :)